Namespace: Informedica.GenOrder.Lib
Types and functions that deal with an order.
An Order
models the Prescription
of an
with a StartStop
start date and
stop date.
Nested types and modules
Type | Description |
Order | Models an order |
Module | Description |
Literals | Contains literals used
to generate |
Mapping | Utitlity functions to
enable mapping of a |
StartStop | Types and functions that
model a start and stop date time
of an |
Functions and values
Function or value | Description |
apply f ord
Signature: f:(Order -> '?7170) -> ord:Order -> '?7170
Type parameters: '?7170 |
Apply |
create id adj_qty orb prs rot sts
Signature: id:Id -> adj_qty:Quantity -> orb:Orderable -> prs:Prescription -> rot:string -> sts:StartStop -> Order
Create an
createNew (...)
Signature: id:Id -> nm:Name -> cil:(Name * (Name * String) list) list -> shp_ung:String -> adj_ung:string -> str_prs:(string list -> Prescription) -> rot:string -> Order
Create a new orderable using:
createUnit succ fail n u vul
Signature: succ:(CombiUnit -> '?7183) -> fail:(VariableUnit list list -> '?7183) -> n:Name -> u:string -> vul:VariableUnit list list -> '?7183
Type parameters: '?7183 |
fromEqs ord vus
Signature: ord:Order -> vus:Variable list list -> Order
Map a list of |
Signature: Order -> Order
Utilty function to facilitate type inference |
getAdjust ord
Signature: ord:Order -> Quantity
getId ord
Signature: ord:Order -> Id
Get the order id |
getName ord
Signature: ord:Order -> string
getOrderable ord
Signature: ord:Order -> Orderable
solve n m p v u o
Signature: n:string -> m:Map -> p:Prop -> v:BigRational list -> u:string -> o:Order -> Order
Solve an
toEqs ord
Signature: ord:Order -> VariableUnit list list * VariableUnit list
Map an |
toProd xs
Signature: xs:VariableUnit list -> Equation
Create a |
toString ord
Signature: ord:Order -> string list
Turn an order into a list of string representing variable name, valuerange and unit group |
toSum xs
Signature: xs:VariableUnit list -> Equation
Create a |