

Namespace: Informedica.GenSolver

Public funtions to use the library

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
init eqs
Signature: eqs:String list -> Equation list

Initialize the solver returning a set of equations

nonZeroNegative eqs
Signature: eqs:Equation list -> Equation list

Make a list of Equation to contain only positive values as solutions

printEqs f eqs
Signature: f:(string -> unit) -> eqs:Equation list -> Equation list

Format a set of equations to print. Using f to allow additional processing of the string.

solve f n p vs eqs
Signature: f:(string -> unit) -> n:string -> p:string -> vs:BigRational list -> eqs:Equation list -> Equation list

Solve an Equations list with

  • f: function used to process string message
  • n: the name of the variable to be updated
  • p: the property of the variable to be updated
  • vs: the values to update the property of the variable
  • eqs: the list of equations to solve
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