

Namespace: Informedica.GenSolver.Dtos

Handle the creation of a Variable from a Dto and vice versa.

Nested types and modules


The Dto representation of a Variable


Dto exception type


Error messages

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
apply f d
Signature: f:(Dto -> '?7093) -> d:Dto -> '?7093
Type parameters: '?7093

Apply f to an Dto d

createDto (...)
Signature: n:string -> unr:bool -> vals:BigRational list -> min:BigRational option -> minincl:bool -> incr:BigRational option -> max:BigRational option -> maxincl:bool -> Dto

Create a Dto

createNew n
Signature: n:string -> Dto

Create an empty new Dto with only a name n

fromDtoExc dto
Signature: dto:Dto -> Variable

Create a Variable from a Dto and raise a DtoException if this fails.

fromDtoOpt dto
Signature: dto:Dto -> Variable option

Create a Variable option from a Dto and return None when this fails.

raiseExc m
Signature: m:Message -> '?7089
Type parameters: '?7089

Raises a DtoException with Message m.

setIncr incr dto
Signature: incr:BigRational option -> dto:Dto -> Dto

Set an incr to a dto

setMax max incl dto
Signature: max:BigRational option -> incl:bool -> dto:Dto -> Dto

Set a max to an dto that is either inclusive incl true or exclusive false

setMin min incl dto
Signature: min:BigRational option -> incl:bool -> dto:Dto -> Dto

Set a min to an dto that is either inclusive incl true or exclusive false

setProp p vs dto
Signature: p:String -> vs:BigRational list -> dto:Dto -> Dto

Set a Dto member p with a value v to a Dto dto. If no field can be matched the dto is returned unchanged.

setVals vals dto
Signature: vals:BigRational list -> dto:Dto -> Dto

Apply an array of vals to an dto making sure the Unr is set to false.

toDto v
Signature: v:Variable -> Dto

Create a Dto from a Variable.

toString arg1
Signature: Dto -> string

Return a string representation of a Dto

toValueSet succ fail vals
Signature: succ:(Set<'?7102> -> '?7103) -> fail:(Message -> '?7103) -> vals:seq<'?7102> -> '?7103
Type parameters: '?7102, '?7103

Parse a sequence of string to BigRational, return the result to the succ continuation or pass a Message to the fail function

Active patterns

Active patternDescription
( |Vals|MinIncl|MinExcl|Incr|MaxIncl|MaxExcl|NoProp| ) (...)
Signature: p:String -> Choice<unit,unit,unit,unit,unit,unit,unit>

Match a string p to a field of Dto

CompiledName: |Vals|MinIncl|MinExcl|Incr|MaxIncl|MaxExcl|NoProp|

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