

Namespace: Informedica.GenSolver.Lib

Implementations of solvers for product equations sum equations and a set of product and/or sum equations

Nested types and modules


The Result of solving an Equation is that either the Equation is the same or has Changed.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
contains eq eqs
Signature: eq:'?6995 -> eqs:'?6995 list -> bool
Type parameters: '?6995

Checks whether a list of Equation eqs contiains and Equation eq

replace vs es
Signature: vs:Variable list -> es:Equation list -> Equation list * Equation list

Replace a list of Variable vs in a list of Equation es, return a list of replaced Equation and a list of unchanged Equation

solve vr eqs
Signature: vr:Variable -> eqs:Equation list -> Equation list

Create the equation solver using a product equation and a sum equation solver and function to determine whether an equation is solved

solveEquation e
Signature: e:Equation -> Result

Solve the equation e and return the set of equations es it belongs to either as Changed or Unchanged

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